animal abuse, animal rights, animal trade, animal welfare, chicken, farm animals, Henne, Huhn, Mercy for Animals, Petition, Tierquälerei, Tierschutz, victory

Putting on Pressure Helps; One Company More Pledges to Go Cage-Free

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photo: Mercy for Animals

Factory farming has led to some of the cruelest forms of animal abuse. Thanks to rising awareness and continuous animal advocacy another company has decided that moving away from cruelty towards animals is a win-win deal. The fast-food chain Wendy’s has pledged to stop buying eggs from caged hens, thereby following Panera Bread, Taco Bell and other food-providing companies.

This shows that petitions can lead to change, and that the voices of those speaking out against animal abuse are being heard.

You can read more here:

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Thank you for spreading the word on animal awareness!

animal abuse, animal trade, animal welfare, farm animals, HSUS, Mercy for Animals, The Humane Society of the United States, Tierschutz

When Walmart Speaks Up Many Listen

Mercy for Animals

Mercy for Animals


Did you know that Walmart sells around 25 % of all food in the United States? A company with such a huge market share definitely has enormous influence on those that produce the food they sell. So when Walmart announced it would encourage their suppliers to give animals more space, to discourage the use of antibiotics, to use pain killers for all painful procedures, this truly is a step in the right direction.

It will not be possible to end all the inhumane actions against animals in one step, but this news gives hope that especially in the food industry there will be a change of thought – leading to a change in action.

You can read more here:

Thank you for spreading the word on animal awareness!

animal abuse, animal trade, animal welfare, chicken, gegen Massentierhaltung, Massentierhaltung, Mercy for Animals, Tierquälerei, Tierschutz

How Is a Chicken Turned into Meat? By Torture

Mercy for Animals

Mercy for Animals

Many people love to eat chicken. But would they enjoy seeing what the chickens had to go through before landing on their plate? Probably not. As long as there are meat eaters there will be factories processing live animals. But do these animals need to suffer before being killed? No. But the animals need help to protect them from all the cruelty.

“In the last few weeks, both The New York Times ( and USA Today (, two of the largest newspapers in the country, have slammed the horrific cruelty to chickens our undercover video exposed at a Gordon Food Service supplier. USA Today has even stated that “there’s a big space between what’s legal and what’s right” and that “none of this is necessary.” Over 100,000 of you who signed this petition agree!

Could you take a minute today to call Gordon Food Service’s headquarters? Please call Gordon Food Service at 800-968-4164 and demand that the company stop torturing chickens, ask for CEO Jim Gordon, and leave a polite voice mail telling him that you want chickens to suffer less and Gordon Food Service to implement a meaningful animal welfare policy. You can also email and

Please help by making a phone call, sharing the information, spreading the word.

Thank you for spreading the word on animal awareness!

animal abuse, Animal Event, animal trade, animal welfare, calf, cow, Deutscher Tierschutzbund, farm animals, Farm Sanctuary, gegen Massentierhaltung, horse, HSI, HSUS, Huhn, In Defense of Animals, Kalb, Kaninchen, Kuh, legal, Mercy for Animals, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, PeTA, pig, rabbit, Schutzengel fuer Tiere e.V., Schwein, sheep, The Humane Society of the United States, Tierquälerei, Tierschutz, turkey, Uncategorized, Vier Pfoten, Walk for Farm Animals, Welttierschutzgesellschaft e.V.

Think of All the Farm Animals Today

Photo:Day For Farm Animals

Photo:Day For Farm Animals

October 2nd is World Farm Animals Day


Thank you for spreading the word on animal awareness!


Animal Event, animal welfare, Mercy for Animals

Gala for Mercy for Animals

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If you should be in the Los Angeles area on September 12th, 2014, you could spend a phantastic evening with some wonderful animal lovers in honor of Mercy for Animals:

“Celebrate animals and their heroic advocates at Mercy For Animals’ 15th Anniversary Gala. Held at The London West Hollywood on Friday September 12, 2014, this black-tie event commemorates Mercy For Animals’ 15 years of groundbreaking work saving lives and winning major victories for farmed animals. Enjoy a celebrity-studded awards show, delicious vegan dinner, silent auction, and more.”

You can read more about this event at

You can learn more about Mercy for Animals at

animal abuse, Mercy for Animals, turkey

Turkey Turture – not only on Thanksgiving

turkey chick


Every day people believe eating lean meat will help them stay healthy. Where to find lean meat? Turkeys, of course.
So there are farms that produce turkeys. There, turkeys are only “things”, things that give meat.
Here is a report on what happens behind the walls of such a turkey torture place:

“From the day they hatch until they are violently killed, the lives of Butterball turkeys are filled with misery and deprivation.

How do I know? Because I worked undercover at a Butterball turkey hatchery in North Carolina on behalf of Mercy For Animals — a national animal protection charity. At Butterball, I used a hidden camera to document horrors that few people could even imagine, including:

• Baby birds being callously tossed into a macerating machine to be ground up alive

• Workers roughly throwing and dropping newborn animals with no regard for their welfare

• Newly hatched birds regularly getting stuck in and mangled by factory machinery

• Turkeys having their sensitive toes and beaks cut or burned off without any painkillers

Unfortunately, these abuses are merely a sample of the ongoing cruelty and violence that turkeys are forced to endure at Butterball. Previous investigations by Mercy For Animals have exposed Butterball workers violently kicking and throwing turkeys, and bashing in their heads with metal pipes. One such investigation led to a raid of the Butterball factory farm by law enforcement and resulted in multiple criminal cruelty to animals convictions of Butterball workers, including the first-ever felony cruelty conviction related to factory-farmed poultry in U.S. history.

On top of all of this horrific violence, Butterball’s turkeys endure selective breeding to grow so large, so quickly, that many of them suffer from painful bone defects, hip joint lesions, crippling foot and leg deformities, and fatal heart attacks.”

Please sign the petition against this abuse at

More information on Mercy for Animals
