animal abuse, animal trade, animal welfare, elephant, Keine Tiere im Zirkus, People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals, PeTA, Petition, say no to animals in entertainment, Tierquälerei, Tierschutz

Petition: Elephants Do Not Belong In Circuses

Photo: PeTA

Photo: PeTA

The more people speak up against animals in circuses the more circuses will get it: there is no high quality entertainment that involves inhumane treatment of any beings.

“Karnak Shriners have chosen exhibitor Tarzan Zerbini to provide and exhibit elephants for their circus, which plans to travel throughout Quebec beginning August 14. Please join PETA in urging the Karnak Shriners to require that Zerbini stage its performances without elephants.”

Please sign the petition and spread the word:


Thank you for spreading the word on animal awareness!


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